Anyway, at the first place we venture into, which we now know as HoBarIII (because apparently there are 10 of them all numbered and seemingly in competition with each other) we meet the New Zealand Glee Club or, traveling youth choir. Fun. We watch them gay it up for a bit and continue on to the next place.
At our second location we stumble upon this guy right here, dressed like Bob. His friend quickly informs us via text on his phone that "he dont smoke he just like the shape"! Shape of what?! The Marijuana leaf?! Amazing.
After leaving the second place we proceeded to the fried food stand where I proceeded to shove deep fried mandu (dumplings) into my mouth while they were still frying. Burning the roof of mi boca so badly, three days later it's still bleeding and sore. Typical. We sit in the concrete park for a while watching university students and the like run around, sit in New Paltz style guitar/singing circles, swing on the swings, pass out sitting up..etc. Now and then a man pedaling rice wine on a cart goes by and I notice a makeshift bar set up in the corner selling beer and mixed drinks.
Finally we head over to Zen Bar- complete with gangster Buddah paintings all over the wall, Snoop videos playing on a large screen and hip hop blaring. Fitting, very... "Zen". This third location is located below street level, so upon emerging in order to make the first train of the morning back in time I am surprised to find it is broad daylight. Oh hello sun. While riding in our assigned train seats back to Pyeongtaek I fall asleep against my will- thank GOD I wake up in time. On the short subway ride back to our town I am fixated on trying to figure out if the people around me are starting their day or ending their night.
We make it home, fall asleep by 8 and wake up in search of fourth of July fireworks. Our best bet is the US Airbase nearby. We flake out and say we're not going to go, still shot from the night before. But when we start to hear the booming in the distance we quickly change our minds, jump into a cab and find a rooftop bar near the base and caught some 4th of July fireworks in the drizzle. Happy Day of Birth America- from Jade in Korea. xo.
Keep it up Yade. See you two jokers soon.