
Day 1

Day 1  5.18.10

The flight was long but I slept most of the way so it really wasn't that bad at all.

BiBimBop for dinner and kimchi, broccoli, rice for breakfast, and yogurt of course. Oh and fruit with both meals. 

I sat next to a Korean-American guy, Steve, I think? Moved to the U.S. when he was 7 and hasn't been back since. From NJ, quit his job to come here and teach English. Actually, I think his name was Kevin, not Steve.

Customs line was long, and hot. I met an American guy from Ohio who is in the military; he went to school in Syracuse and has been here since August. He gives me his name and tells me to find him on facebook; he likes to host BBQ’s. He is the only foreigner I notice in the airport.


I finally get my luggage, change some money and I see him- a man holding a sign “Jade Giorgi… Welcome to Korea” wowwww. I’m here. I started to laugh, I’m not sure why. When I identify myself as Jade he grabs a bag and starts running, literally, out of the airport and to his car. I mean, I know I am slow, but he was FAST.


It is raining and dark and approx 4:30am by the time we leave Seoul Incheon International airport. I can’t see too much out of the windows during the hour-long drive. A young couple meet me in front of my new apartment building and take me up an entire 3 flights- so much for that high rise I was dreading, so that’s good. They tell me to choose a door, 301 or 304- I go with 301 on instinct. I don’t need a key to get into my apartment, only a code that I hope I don’t forget.

I am left to ‘rest’, and the woman tells me she will come back around 2 or 3pm. I can’t figure out how to change the time on my watch. I turn on my laptop and change the time zone before they leave.

My apartment is super cute and super Asian and super… wallpapered! Everything is brand new, the entire building is brand new and I am the first person to live here. That’s cool. Except, I have no food and I am hungry. Oh, and I have no toilet paper or soap. I am sad.


I decide to take a shower, but quickly notice there is no hot water. Eh. I take a short nap, wake up, don’t know where I am. It is almost 9am so I throw on some jeans and sneakers, mission#1: Umbrella. Found. Along with soap, a bottle of water and some toilet paper- at a convenience store. Mission#2: Contact home. Tried 2 places for calling cards, no luck, all writing is in Korean. Then I proceed to follow “PC” sins up 5 flights in a random building, kind of creepy. I come upon a room with rows and rows of computers but can’t communicate my want to use one, I will come back with my book, I need food now anyway. Places are just beginning to open. I end up in a bakery type place, lots and lots of different sweet breads and pastries and things with hot dogs embedded in them?? The guy working speaks a little English and is happy to try and speak to me! I ask him about the Internet and he lets me use the lone computer in the corner that is playing music! Yes! Mission#2 accomplished. I write a short email home, I wish I can sit and write more but I feel like I shouldn’t be on the computer so I get off and buy a DELISH little sweet bread with yogurt and cream cheese in it and almond flakes on top. First thing I eat in Korea… BREAD. Who said there was no bread here!?


Oh, and I didn’t lock myself out. When I get back to my apt and shut the door behind me the lock plays a little song.



The woman should be here soon. It feels late already, I wonder if I am jet lagged. I’m very hungry but I don’t want to leave because I am scared I might miss her. I don’t think I have ever been alone this long in my entire life. The wallpaper pattern looks like Lynn’s curtains that Himmy scratched. I love you Himtoo, oh yes I dooo, you’re not near me and I’m very blueee. (I’m pretending the panda travel pillow is youuuu).



I think I might be in purgatory.



 I lay on my bed for hours reading Loose Girl waiting for the woman to come back. By 4:30 I realize the only thing I ate all day was that tiny pastry. I figure the Internet café I noticed earlier would be open so I leave with email/facebook/food mission. I complete all three and end up with a box of fried chicken take out, mmm. Of course, she is here when I return. She is unloading kitchen stuff: utensils, a pot, a pan, giant scissor and knife I can’t open because I need a giant scissor or knife to open, electric hot pot and a rice cooker of course. Lynn, 304 IS your apartment! Awesome! Like on Friends, the show, except, we’ll need more friends!

Anyway… she tells me the Internet will take a while. And I can’t get a cell phone without a card nobody seems to know the name of in English.

But… I saw the school I will be working at and got my desk and found out that Lynn and I are going to be the only American, or, native English speaking teachers at our school. Innnnteresting.


Oh, and the hot water situation has been solved, I have to press a button, duh.

And I saw a pig hanging in the street. And I saw a small car accident. It seems as though there are little or no traffic laws and people park where they please- on sidewalks mostly. Lynn, are you on your way yet?



  1. soooo proud of you so far! loveryou! xoxo <3 Yen

  2. yiddle yadle, yaaaaaay!! so excited for you!

  3. dude - this is awesome. and hilarious. and now that i know what a good writer you are, i will be on your ass every. day.

    this is what madeline said to me yesterday, when i was supposed to find out my flight info:

    you will probably leave monday. unless you leave saturday. i will find out saturday morning, and when i find out, i will call you saturday afternoon.


  4. Oh my god so funny!! You have so much more patience then I would have lol. I have a strange feeling u r going to end up like Julie on Julie and Julia lol

  5. purgatory.

    i didn't know you had these thoughts on life.

